Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Before I go into current news of the DRT, I wanted to thank all of you who granted my request to help celebrate Mark's 50th birthday by sending him birthday cards. He received SO many cards!! He was truly surprised and he thanks all of you for your thoughtfulness!! :) One final personal note: Many of you are aware that we have been back in Ohio for the birth of our 5th grandchild. Although we were all very tired when this picture was taken at our daughters house ;) I thought I'd show off our 5 precious little ones. Hope you don't mind. :)

Now for DRT news: As I've stated in the blogs before so many in the gulf coast area have been helped because of YOU!! Have you prayed? Have you put care packs together? Have you cooked for the community or volunteers? Have you helped with the clean up or rebuilding? Have you sent funding to purchase building material? Have you helped shuttle trucks or supplies from one location to another? Have you taught Bible Studies in the disaster communities? Have you preached in the the disaster communities? Have you cleaned restrooms, scheduled volunteers, washed clothes for volunteers? Have you helped distribute supplies? Have you lead devos? Have you chaperoned youth trips to the gulf coast? Have you cleaned up tools? AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON...........The accomplishments that have taken place in the gulf coast have taken place because YOU have allowed GOD to work through you!! We thank our LORD for you!!

We are still receiving many phone calls every day from gulf coast residents who are desperate to get back into their houses. They have no insurance, no money and no help. They are begging for help. Take our word for it......You will receive so much more out of a vacation helping others get back into their homes than a vacation at Disney. The rewards are amazing!! :)

Give us a call to schedule YOUR vacation. We make great travel agents :)