Saturday, October 15, 2005


I realize it's been almost a week since I last updated this blog. I miss sitting and taking the time to reflect and put my thoughts into words. As many of you know, we've been in Ohio this week with Mark's Mother. She is 81 years old and in the hospital with colon complications. The prognosis is not good and they are not able to operate due to other health issues. We ask that you please keep her in your prayers and if you will please keep us in your prayers as well. It's difficult being away from a loved one who is ill.
We also want to thank Duane and Carole Kemp for coming down and taking over for us during our absence. Duane and Carol have worked with us following other disasters and we appreciate them so much!!!

That being said...we are now on our way back to Mobile, Alabama. Time to get back to work. :)
We will continue to work through the Creekwood congregation in Mobile. However, we will also be starting relief efforts in New Orleans. We will surely be needing many volunteers to go to New Orleans as well as others working through Mobile. That means we are going to need a huge increase in volunteers to cover all these areas. Can we count on you?? If the past months have been any indication, you will be here and GOD'S love will be taught in many areas!! We are wanting teams of volunteers to come in to follow up with people who have been helped, teaching them about Christ as well as doing physical labor to help with their houses. This is an excellent opportunity to fellowship with other christians and work together teaching the saving grace of our LORD and SAVIOR.

If you are able to volunteer, please contact us!! You are very needed!! Please don't forget about the items needed that were put in the last post. If you are able to help by sending the actual items or help monetarily to purchase them it is greatly appreciated!!

Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team
Somerset Church of Christ
P.O. 247
Somerset, Ohio 43783
Mark's Cell-- 937-308-0035
Laura's Cell (Please call this # to volunteer) 937-308-2259

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