Sunday, January 01, 2006

What Are Your Hopes And Dreams For 2006??

Here we are......the first day of 2006!! Can you believe it? Time goes by so quickly. As I think about the past year, I'm remembering all of you that we've worked so closely with us through disaster relief. Whether I've known you for years or I just met you this past year, I want you to know that I thank GOD for you and I feel so blessed. GOD has put so many wonderful people in our path through this life. You've been an inspiration to me and it's you who keeps me going even when I'm so tired I'm not sure I can take another step or I'm homesick and missing my mother, children and grandchildren. It's been your prayers, your encouraging emails, your cards and letters, your smiles, your hugs, writing letters of encouragement to hand out to the victims of disaster, your volunteering in whatever way, whether it is here in the disaster area or in your local area making care packs, shoe boxes of toys, sending the items we need as soon as we call and ask for them (Atwood COC), doing our financial stuff and being so patient with me when I don't get the info to you as soon as I should (Nancy :) Listening to us and being joyful with us everytime we call to say we have another grandchild on the way!! we appreciate you so much!! By the way.....we have "another" grandchild on the way!! We are thrilled! :)

I'm thinking about my hopes, dreams, plans and goals for 2006 and wondering what yours are.
I want to be in prayer to GOD more, to do what HE wants and how HE wants it done, I want to be a more loving and patient wife to my wonderful husband, I want to spend more time looking at flowers and birds and the sky with our daughter Ashley, taking time to really appreciate God's World. I want to be a better example to our children, grandchildren, sons-in-law and daughter-in-law in hopes that "all" of them will understand GOD'S LOVE and want to serve HIM faithfully. I want to reach out and be a tool for others to reach out through disaster relief to show the LOVE OF JESUS to a world that needs HIM so desperately. Do you have any of these same hopes, dreams, goals and plans? Let's work together, ok? Encouraging one another in spirit and in truth.

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