Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quiet Weather - Twitter and Facebook, Huh?

Well....I see it's been quite a long while since I last posted! Don't let that fool you :-) That doesn't mean we haven't been busy. It does show that I've also found "other" outlets of getting my messages out and don't always get back to blogging like I should.
I'll never forget the day quite some time ago that I told two of my daughters that I was on Twitter and sending out "tweets" ;-) "You're on whatttt??? sending out whatttt???" was their snide remarks....... they also had the look....you know the one..... the one that says "oh mom how embarrassing...there you go again showing how little you know about the tech world. Their next comment....."I've never even heard of Twitter" which as you know, in mother-daughter speak means, since "I've" never heard of it, it couldn't POSSIBLY be anything! Ha....gotta love it!! Oh yeah...... they've heard of it now! LOL!!
Anyway....I've been tweeting, facebooking, updating the website and now I figured it's time to put "something" on this blog. :-) I've got to admit, it's kinda fun although "warning" it can be addicting.

We've been having some very unusual weather.....in DRT terms that means "not much happening" which has been an EXTREMELY welcome rest from disasters. It has given us time to prepare our trailers, tools, equipment and supplies for the "next one". It's given me time to "attempt" to get caught up on DRT paperwork. If you've been following our website you'll know we've still been conducting "work camps" taking care of the DRT equipment, etc. and planning for the future of DRT.
We have each week in July booked with youth groups that scheduled months ago to work with DRT. They scheduled what we call "mystery trips". As we tell these groups DRT is almost always "somewhere" we just never know for sure "where" we're going to be especially in the summer months. Well......THIS year we're thankful no "major" disasters have taken place but that also means we have all these groups sitting.....waiting.....wondering......where is Laura gonna send us? They are hundreds of miles away and I'm also sitting......waiting......wondering......where am I gonna send these groups who have voluntarily signed up to take a week of their summer to serve the LORD by helping others. Of course DRT is a 1st Response Disaster Team so this could all change in a matter of seconds. Until then, we do like the quiet :-) If you are aware of any organizations, churches, etc. in need of volunteers please contact me at disasterrelief@hotmail.com

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