Saturday, April 11, 2009


We are so blessed to have such a wonderful network of volunteers from all across the U.S. we thank our LORD for you!! Many of you have been calling wondering where you are needed,where we will be, what is needed, etc. since the extreme weather system swept through the midwest the other night. We've also been receiving calls from those in the disaster areas that are in need of assistance or who know of someone in need. Due to the large distance between disasters....Wild fires in Texas and Oklahoma to Tornadoes in Arkansas - Alabama - Tennessee - Georgia, etc. logistics will be somewhat different than usual. The following is the information we have so far:

Tornado Relief
Murfreesboro, Tennessee:
We will be working with (4) congregations in some capacity. (details still to be determined)

Tornado Relief
Mena, Arkansas
Northside Church of Christ
We will be working with this congregation in some capacity (details to be determined)
They are to receive a truck of supplies from Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort, Inc. (Nashville) tonight.

**If you are able to volunteer in either of these areas, please go to the DRT website and fill out the registration form. Please make sure to state which location you want to work at.

***If you are with a congregation in one of the disaster areas and in need of assistance or if you have information to share, please contact me. 937-308-2259

Keep checking the blog, website, twitter and face book for the latest information. Laura Baker Cremeans

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