Saturday, February 10, 2007


Friday --

It is a bittersweet feeling.....helping the survivors of a tornado. You know that you are helping by hauling the debris to the road. Some of the "debris" is trees and brush much of it is bits and pieces of the lives of these tornado survivors including some of those broken trees.

Today I met Paul. Paul is one of those who slips between the cracks. He just purchased his mobile home 2 weeks before the storm. He paid cash with his life savings. The other residents hadn't moved out yet so he was living with someone else until he could move into his newly purchased home. So he wasn't the current "occupant". Since he wasn't the occupant he doesn't qualify for FEMA or Red Cross assistance even though he just lost his home and life savings. Today we helped Paul cut trees and haul them and the other debris to the street. His mobile home will surely be condemned and tore down. It was destroyed by the tornado.

We had a great turnout of volunteers today!! And....Dave Palk, a friend of ours we hadn't seen in quite some time met up with us and worked with us today. We appreciate all your hard work Dave!

We appreciate all of your prayers, volunteering and donations, please keep them coming. To GOD be the Glory!!

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