Monday, May 14, 2007


You've seen the pictures..... you've heard the news reports....but until you are actually here on the ground walking among the tangled belongings strewn through what was once the town of Greensburg it isn't real. Even being here and seeing it in person it doesn't seem real. Mark and I have been doing disaster relief for 15 years and seeing the total devastation is still mind boggling.

The people we've met here in Kansas are so appreciative of any assistance, actually they usually tell us, "help someone else first, there are others that need the help more than I do" when we know they need it just as much as anyone else. I can't tell you how many times we've heard people say that and we've only been here a short time. It just makes you want to help them all the more. You can tell the people here are used to being the ones giving and not receiving, I just tell them that they are depriving someone else of the blessings of giving so please allow others to reach out and receive that blessing by helping them. They understand then and with a smile they will accept the help.

Jerry and Starla live in Greensburg. They lost their house, vehicles and all their belongings. Not only this but Starla had a framing business in downtown Greensburg and lost her business as well. Through all this, Jerry and Starla are putting GOD first. They have agreed to allow DRT to set up our relief effort on their property. Their property became top priority to make this happen and the heavy equipment was brought in today to tear down the house, etc. along with volunteers to clean up after them. The site is now ready for our kitchen and trailers, etc.
WE NOW HAVE SOMETHING WE'D LIKE TO DO FOR THEM...... Starla also lost her computer in the storm. If you can help with the purchase of a new computer so we can surprise Starla, please let us know.

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