Wednesday, June 18, 2008

On A Personal Note..........

Before I get into more information about the midwest floods I'd like to ask a personal request of you.

I will not be heading to Iowa with the rest of our coordinators for awhile. I will be staying in Ohio helping my mother and taking her back and forth to Columubus for appointments, etc. As some of you know, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy 30 years ago. She had a recurrance 10 years ago in her scar (for those of you who have had breast cancer or know someone who has......PLEASE examine your scars also. This is not common but can happen.)
My mother recently noticed a change once again in her scar and went in for an MRI. It did show a mass in her chest wall near her ribs. I am sitting in the waiting room as I write this while she is having a biopsy to determine if she has had yet another recurrance of cancer. She's a little more apprehensive this time (my father passed away about 5 years ago so she doesn't have him here with her this time)
Please lift her up to the Father in your prayers. She has had such a tremendous influence on my day to day life as well as my spiritual life. She is truly a woman of GOD. If you would like to send her a card of encouragement, it would mean so much to both of us!

Janet Baker
19371 Knox Lake Rd.
Fredericktown, Ohio 43019


Several more levees have been breached threatening towns in Illinois and Missouri.
This is a large scale disaster and your help is desperately needed.

The elders of the Central Church of Christ in Cedar Rapids have asked for our assistance and with your help we all can help them reach out to their communities.
Please fill out the volunteer form on our website.
As always we will have a place for volunteers to stay, we will provide your meals and the work will be lined up and ready for you when you arrive.
Our shower trailer will be coming to Cedar Rapids from our base camp in Florida.
Feel free to email or call with further questions.
(Laura or 937-308-2259)

Most importantly, please keep those affected by the floods and those that are ministering to them in your prayers.

Great things will be accomplished through our LORD in these trying times. Remember to always give GOD the praise and glory.

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