Wednesday, November 19, 2008


DRT continues to be very busy here in Bridge City distributing supplies, cooking and serving meals, gutting out houses and in some cases we're beginning to install new sheetrock.

We still have people coming in to the center signing up for assistance for the 1st time. Many have been trying to make it on their own without getting assistance but they're realizing that they really need the help. Once they get here we have the opportunity to make them feel at home. Others are still just finding out by word of mouth that the assistance is available. We're also seeing that some are still sleeping in cars as well as tents. It's been very slow getting in FEMA houses. (they don't do trailers anymore, these are like extremely small shed type houses)

It's also been getting cold at night so we've been giving out quite a few blankets, warm clothing and electric heaters.

There is a Family Fun Day planned for this Saturday here. We're hoping for a good turn out from the community. We want them to just take some time off from working on their houses and come out and listen to some music from the country bands that are coming in as well as food vendors that will be here, clowns, etc. will be here as well. All will be free to the public.

I know you're wondering what is still needed......... :)

Well.....we need YOU!! We are in desperate need of volunteers for all areas. Below is just a sample of some of the areas that we need volunteers for. Is this something you can do?? I'm sure you can find something on this list you can help with. :)

Pray (for those affected by the storm and for those ministering to them)

Working On Houses (gutting houses, disinfecting, installing sheetrock, electrical, plumbing, etc.)

Delivering Supplies to Houses

Distributing Supplies (filling orders and loading supplies in cars, etc.)

Interviewers for Distribution (helping to fill out forms, etc.)

Clothing (stocking, sorting, sizing, helping clients find sizes, etc.)

Cleaning (wash dishes, clean showers, restrooms, floors, etc.)

Computer Work (data Entry)

Greeters (Greet the community as they come in to the center, sit and talk with them, listen, etc.)

Bible Studies (talk to those coming in about a Bible Study and holding a study)

Remember.....this is just a sample of the things that need done.

As you can see, WE NEED YOU!! How about coming and spending Thanksgiving with us?

You are officially invited to "our house" for Thanksgiving this year!! Everyone of you! Now how can you turn that down?!?! ;) Just go to the website and r.s.v.p. on the volunteer sign up form and we'll be all set. :)

I know one thing.....It will be one of the most rewarding Thanksgivings you will have ever had.
You will also realize just how much you have to be thankful for in a whole new way! Come share with us!

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