Friday, August 04, 2006


The following is an update from Dave Halligan of the Endwell Church of Christ in Endwell, NY.

As you will read in the update....this is also a good time for me to remind all of our volunteers that it is very important to always make sure you are up to date on your tetanus shot before going to work in a disaster area.

This past week we had the church of Christ Youth group from Evansville, Indiana and 4 adults from the Bethpage church of Christ on Long Island. Our workgroup totaled around 36 people.
During the week we were able to cleanout nine homes. Five of those homes required a complete teardown of walls, floors, cabinets, sinks, toilets and bathtubs. Two of those homes were very bad and had a considerable amount of mud and mold. Several people took pictures and we will send those out in a later email. I am enclosing a picture taken by the local newspaper while the youth group was cleaning out a home in Endwell. There were only a few small injuries during the week and everyone was taken care of at our local walk in clinic. Alan stepped on a nail and received one of the most expensive tetanus shots on record (I’ll let Alan speak to that one). Andrea scraped her knee and legs. She was the favorite patient at the clinic.
The kids also went door to door on Wednesday and Thursday to see if people needed help and also invited them to have dinner with us.
On Wednesday night several of the boys read scripture, offered prayers and George and Alan led the singing. It was a wonderful way to end the day and close out our week, listening to young voices singing praises to God.
I also want to thank the parents of each of the teens and the chaperones. This was the best bunch of kids we have had here over the years, you can see that each of them loved the Lord, were very well behaved and worked very hard without complaining.

Your Brother in Christ
Dave Halligan

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