Wednesday, November 22, 2006

An Experience

This was my second trip down to work with katrina, and to also stay at the Creekwood Church of Christ. I thought the last time was better than imaginable, but this trip has been equally rewarding, exciting, and touching. I've seen people of all kinds, with all sorts of needs, and been able to help them phyically and possibly spiritually. It has made me see a need all over the world, that most times we neglect to see. I feel as if we waste so much time worrying about trival things, when there are people who are praying for answers, praying for food, help, love, anything good to come into their lives, we were are blessed in overwhelming ways. I hope to keep this fire that has been lite, carrying it home to share with my friends and family that I love. I have people in mind that I want to go home and help, people that I say I love, but havent shared God's word with yet.... I want to talk to them about Christ... It needs to be made my first priority. God Bless these people who are down here full time working so hard, I pray that I will be able to do this one day....atleast for a years time... Ill continue to pray about this effort and these people....With Love and Hope-KaKole

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