Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Haiti Experience as Described by John Davis

The work currently being done in Haiti has become a work extremely close to many of our hearts. I had the priviledge to work with 3 awesome team members from the Ft. Worth area while in Haiti a couple of weeks ago. I asked one of them (John Davis) to write about his experience. As you will read..... the Haitian People need us.....they need YOU..... If you haven't already.... please consider volunteering with DRT, donating financially and most of all praying for the effort in Haiti. -Laura


As our team walked out of the airport in Port Au Prince, I knew right away this would be a life changing experience. Never had I seen a place of such destruction and poverty. As I stepped into the crowded street beyond the gates, I thought to myself; "what help could I possibly be to these people?" As the week of my experience unfolded, I discovered quickly that the Haitian people need so much (they survive without some of the most basic things), that they are not different from you or me and that they are a loving and proud people. My concern of not being useful vanished immediately. Throughout the week, I worked in medical clinics dispensing medicine and caring for adults and children. I worked at the new church site helping with the construction. I spent many hours with the beautiful children teaching songs, playing games and helping them in any way I could. I shared in worship services that forever changed my view of worship. Everyday was filled from sun up til sundown with work and activity. By the end of the week, I felt as if I had become a neighbor and friend to the people in the area we were working. Words truely cannot describe the experience I had in Haiti. However, maybe for the first time in my life, I discovered the true meaning of serving my Lord and loving and being loved by my brothers and sisters in Christ. John Davis


cheryl alt said...

Sounds like you had an awesome experience John. I'm going next week and can't wait! Thanks for sharing.

Irving said...

Your account makes me want to volunteer. Before signing up, I'd like to get more info. I previously sent three e-mails to DRT, but never received a reply. Anyone know to whom I should be writing?