Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Look of Hope In These Precious Faces

Our Somerset, Ohio volunteers told of going to the coast and seeing the devastation there. They stopped to take some pictures. While they were stopped a woman came running up to the their van crying. She had seen that they were from the Church of Christ Disaster Response Team. She and her family are members of the church. She was thrilled to see brothers and sisters in her neighborhood. She seemed almost hysterical, this was the first day they had been back. She was in shock and it comforted her so much to know that members of the church were there to help. I had the priviledge of meeting her and some of her family this Sunday. She came to me crying and when I explained what all we could do to help her family, she had that look of "hope" in her eyes. Her family had hurricane insurance but not flood insurance, which is what we are seeing in most cases. When we explained to her that we could send volunteers out to help gut her house, bleach it, then help rebuild it, she just couldn't believe it!! I want for all of you to be able to experience the look of hope in the faces of these people when they hear that there is help for them. This story in not uncommon. There are many, many more just like it. There are so many who need help. If you have any connections to companies who supply building material, please contact us. We are in the process of gutting and bleaching houses. They will need to "dry out" but then the rebuilding will begin. It will take much funding, but GOD is in control so we know it will happen.
Many of you have been so generous in your giving of time and donations. We appreciate it and I know those that are being helped are so grateful! Together, we can further GOD'S WORD through the disaster relief outreach.

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